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a whole new world...

Updated: Jan 23, 2023

I couldn't really see the point of a website as an author even though almost everyone I spoke to said I did. Eventually, I relented and began to dabble on another platform until I realised it was time to take this more seriously if I want to reach out to the world and grow an online presence. pfft! for an introvert, the last thing that fills me with joy is socialising but secretly, I do like people to a degree, I just don't like silly chit-chat or drama. I'm very much a low-key kinda personality.

However, putting myself out there isn't direct socialising so my introverted side can handle it, just don't put me in a crowd of people!

I digress, the website is slowly being built, as I get over one hurdle I hit another but I'm thinking that's part of the course. That said, it's a great learning curve and a challenge is nearly always welcome.

My purpose for the website isn't so much about my books but sharing material that can help encourage and support young people with inspiration and motivational items, many of which will be free. As the site grows, there will be guest speakers/interviews etc and lots of fun stuff.

As for the blog, this is a behind the scenes view of what I'm working on, from designs to freebies, from my writing spaces to what I've learned and a lot more.

Weekly posts will be a take on a weekly YouTube video which I plan to start in February. A place to share more of what I have to offer and reach out to like-minded people who also have something in common with the subjects/experiences I will be sharing.

As this is the first blog post on here, I figure I should say a few words about me (though you can also read the about me page to learn more)

I am Debs. I am 54, divorced and have four grown up children. I also have eight grandchildren and two fur babies. Taylor and Titan are three months old, English Bulldogs and the heart of my life. Taylor is a mommas boy, my huggabuddy and Titan is my trouble causer. Taylor is the sensible one and Titan is definitely a free spirit. It's amazing to see them learn about the world around them, sounds, objects, people and other animals. It's highly likely that they will both star in future photos and videos from here on, but for now, here they are...

On our journey back from collecting my son from college, they both kept getting out of their seats so I had to secure Titan (in blue) to the headrest on the other side, but having never been unable to see/touch one another, they were missing each other.... all 12" of space between them! A hug had to suffice for 20 mins in the car!

That's all for now, blog posts will be uploaded every Wednesday and a bonus post that compliments future YouTube videos. I hope you come back and join me on this incredibly exciting journey.


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